This weekend I decided to complete a project that has been on my "To Do" list for about a year. I found this really cool herring jar at an antique shop last summer and I have been wanting to make it into a terrarium ever since.
I finally made it happen and I'm really happy with the way it turned out!
Of course I got the idea from pinterest. Here is some inspiration. It's really quite simple if you don't make it complicated. All you really need is a glass container, shells or some rocks for the bottom, some potting soil, and plants! I chose succulents because they are just so cute!
I found some rocks at the dollar store that I thought I was going to use for the top, but I think I like it the way it is now. Maybe later I'll add some rocks. Total cost for this project was under $20. I think I paid $10 for the container (my memory escapes me). The shells I got at a thrift shop for 50 cents, potting soil at the dollar store for... $1 :) and succulents were $2.50 each at Steins Garden and Gifts.
Plants Make Me Happy!
This project was also completed for under $20. The small planters were $1 each at Target. I got the plants at a local floral shop a couple blocks from my apartment for $4.95 each. I originally bought these plants to be put in the terrarium without first looking at how big the container was... oops!
Now I have more houseplants! I found the cool painting in the background for only $4 at a thrift shop and thought I'd show it off. Now I just have to figure out where to hang it! :)
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