Well friends, I was going to wait a little longer to post this, but I'm just too excited! A few weekends ago I visited Nichole and we bought seeds to plant windowsill herb gardens. The seeds went into the pellets a week ago today and a few days ago they started sprouting!
I got super excited when I saw green in the midst of the brown peat pellets. There are three types of herbs planted. Cilantro (definitely my most favorite herb ever - I think we planted 4 of those), Oregano, and Basil. The Oregano seeds are so tiny! I can't wait until I have enough Basil to make pesto. Mmm!
They're planted in a Jiffy Windowsill Greenhouse. You can get one here or buy one for a lot cheaper at your local garden shop. I got mine for $3.99. The pellets come compressed and you add water in order to make them expand. They're covered with a thin, mesh netting and they "grow" when they get wet. How fun!
So, here sits my little windowsill herb greenhouse. I'm so excited for when the herbs are actually producing and I can transplant them in the little windowsill planter I bought. It's cute, colorful, and happy!
I'll leave you with the view of the sunset through the trees out my kitchen window. Peaceful. :)

I love my windowsill garden! I should be taking pictures of my seedlings as the grow because they're growing SO fast!