My amazing, fun-loving, thoughtful, warm hearted Uncle Kirby and Aunt Stephanie gave me the BEST housewarming/staring out on your own gift that any girl who loves cooking and spices as much as I do could ask for! :) A whole bunch of my favorite spices! Penzey's spices at that. Penzey's = love. In fact, their slogan is "Love people. Cook them tasty food." Find their website here! Request a catalog. You won't regret it.
In order to get the biggest bang for their buck, they ordered the spices in bags. I tried to find a bunch of cool, random jars while thrift shopping, but I didn't have much luck. Finally, I ended up getting jars from Penzey's. And so began my weekend craft project.
Each jar comes with a label that you can write on, but I wanted to save the label that came on the bag. They give information about the spice and also include recipes and tips on how to use the them. In order to keep it uniform with the other spices that I already had in jars, I decided to get creative and find a way to put the label from the bag onto the jars. This was done using double sided tape, contact paper, and a lot of patience.
I now have a beautiful collection of spices, and each has their very own special container. It's much more convenient and they look so good! I'm going to have a fantastic time adding to this collection. :) Each Penzey's catalog brings more temptation. Soon I'll have to find a bigger shelf!
Thank you so much Uncle Kirby and Aunt Steph. I think of you every single time I cook. Love you.

Way Cool Brenna.