It's been a month since I first posted about my windowsill herb garden. I was so excited to see some green coming up and now I have actual herbs! They're still pretty tiny, but it's nice to see some progress!
My Saturday morning project: replanting the herbs into their new homes.
Nichole and I found these cute little herb garden planters when we bought our windowsill greenhouses. Fun fact: they're biodegradable! They're made by Rush Creek Designs. Visit their website here!
They have a lot of biodegradable products that last years in your home, but once they're thrown out they will biodegrade in 2-3 years. They're made of bamboo fiber, rice husks, wheat straw, and corn stalks. How neat!!
I took the netting off of the herbs and planted them into the planters. It was easier to work with them when the netting was off and I was able to move them around easier so they fit into the containers.
It got a little messy, but I'm happy with the results!

wow yours look so much better than mine! Mine all died so I'm going to try again! haha